Each Tuesday I have decided to do a throwback post of some exciting things that have happened to me in the past. This week I am going to talk about my proposal! As soon as I my now fiancé invited me to Disney, I dropped many hints as to how romantic it would be to have a proposal at Disney! Before we set off on our plane to Florida, I knew he was going to propose to me. I was unaware as to when and where though. On the morning we went to the Magic Kingdom, I was waiting inline with his family to take pictures with some of the princesses when he mysteriously disappeared. I did not really think anything of it. My man is not one to be too thrilled on taking pictures with characters, let alone princesses.

After we finished taking pictures we met back up with him and he told me he wanted to take me somewhere so I followed. I started to get butterflies in my stomach. I had a feeling he was about to propose to me. We walked up a pathway that was deserted. Then hidden in the bushes, there was Cinderella's Wishing Well. He handed me a penny and told me to make a wish.
I took the penny, closed my eyes, and made my wish. When I opened my eyes, my fiancé was down on one new proposing!
It really was one of the most magical and special moments of my life.
And of course, I said yes!