Thursday, August 29, 2013
Week 25
This week, the baby is the size of a: cauliflower
Due date: December 12, 2013
How far along: 25 weeks
Next appointment: September 17th! I have school schedule and I have no classes on tuesday so I don't have to reschedule. Gestational diabetes will be tested at this appointment!
Total weight gain: 10 pounds as of my doctors appointment on August 20. I'm hoping to not gain more than 30 pounds the entire pregnancy. The doctor said I should gain about 30 to 35 pounds.
Gender: Girl, I get my little princess. :)
Exercise: I have been doing so much walking I'm getting tired just thinking about it.
Stretch marks: None so far, I really need to invest in some stuff to prevent stretch marks. I really don't want any!
Swelling: My fingers have been swelling up from the heat. Walking hasn't made my feet swell, thank goodness!
Maternity clothes: Yes. It's been kinda depressing lately though. I see everyone wearing their cute, tiny clothes and then my outfit just doesn't measure up.
Belly button: Innie but it does keep stretching.
Sleep: Sleep has been very good.
Food cravings and aversions: I finally got my cookies and milk. They were delicious. Other than that though, I really haven't had many cravings this past week. Still not feeling any type of seafood.
Symptoms: Just some slight back pain. Nothing major. I have been very lucky this week. Hoping this isn't "the calm before the storm."
Labor signs: too early
Movement: My Allison has been moving quite a bit! I love that she moves when I talk to her.
What I miss: my pre-pregnancy clothes! I have been having trouble dressing my new and changing body.
What I am loving: feeling my ally kick!
What I am looking forward to: the end of the semester.
Best moment of the week: I got to spend some time with my fiancé.
News: I had my registration for school on friday. Spent all day at campus, did a lot of walking, and registered for classes. This semester I am taking 12 hours worth of classes. Thank goodness that 3 out of my 4 classes online! I was very stressed about going having to go to class and walk around campus very pregnant. Unfortunately though it is just my luck that my exam for my only class at campus falls on December 13th, the day after my due date. This makes me nervous with the uncertainty of when ally actually will come. Pregnancy essentially have a 5 week window of when it is safe for the baby to come, week 37 to week 42. I'm really just hoping that everything works out for the best. I really need to finish school for my Allison and do not want to take an incomplete for this class and just have to retake it come spring or whenever I go to school next. Something else big that happened this week was that I had my first day of class on wednesday. My business calculus class seems hard but I'm determined that it is nothing that I can't handle! My other classes seem easy but only time will tell actually how easy they are. I just really hope I can make it through this semester before my ally cat comes!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Gender Reveal Party
Tuesday means time for a throwback post! On July 27th my fiancé and I had a gender reveal and house warming party all in one! With his job it is hard to plan things ahead of time so he asked for a few days off. I really wanted to make the most of the time we had so I decided to do the combo party. We really had a wonderful time and are extremely blessed with all the guest that showed up!
The poster board I made. Guests would choose whether or not they thought the baby was a girl or a boy. When they decided, they would write their name on either the pink megaphone for a girl or blue helmet for a boy.
Then they would wear a pink bead for a girl and a blue bead for a boy.
Gender reveal cake! The inside will be either pink or blue. :)
Fiancé getting ready to cut the cake!
Cut the first piece. It's hard to tell but...
it is a baby girl!
My best friend and I. :)
Monday, August 26, 2013
4 Year Anniversary
Today marks 4 years of dating the love of my life. It is funny to think that we both met each other our sophomore year of high school in history class. Never would I have imagined that I would meet the love of my life in high school. I thought it was completely insane at the time that I could love someone so much and irrevocably. People have had their doubts about our relationship and we worked through it all. Through out all of the hard times, we are stronger than ever and completely confident in our decisions to spend our life together. I know that our relationship is one that will last forever. I really look forward to see what the future has in store for us and our beautiful little girl that is on the way!
November 2009
Junior Ring Ceremony 2010
Junior Prom 2010
Fourth of July 2010
Senior Football Season 2010
Senior Homecoming 2010
18th Birthday 2010
Halloween 2010
Prom 2011
After Prom 2011
19th Birthday 2011
Christmas 2011
Disney 2012
Engagement 2012
Rangers 2012
19th Birthday 2012
Christmas 2012
Valentine's Day 2013
Easter 2013
Taylor Swift's Red Concert 2013
Texas Ranger's Game 2013
San Antonio 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
24 Weeks
This week, the baby is the size of a: cantaloupe
Due date: December 12, 2013
How far along: 24 weeks
Next appointment: September 17th! I might have to reschedule when I finally get my schedule for school. At this appointment I will be tested for gestational diabetes. I really hope everything will be okay!
Total weight gain: 10 pounds as of my doctors appointment on August 20. I have been checking my weight at home but it fluctuates so much that I am just going to stick to what the doctor says.
Gender: girl
Exercise: Not really anything exercising this week. I do try and make sure I am not sitting down for too long because then it causes very bad back pain.
Stretch marks: None so far, I really need to invest in some stuff to prevent stretch marks. I really don't want any!
Swelling: My fingers have been swelling up from the heat.
Maternity clothes: Yes. My order from Old Navy came in on tuesday! I got a pair of black patterned shorts, a black v-neck, a navy blouse, and a red blouse. I absolutely adore my shorts. I am definitely going to wear them a lot before it gets too cold to wear them! I'm not too thrilled on my red blouse though. It seems impossible big. I can't imagine getting big enough to ever fill it up. I can't decide whether to return it, exchange it, or just keep it. I do like the other two tops though!
Belly button: Innie. It is starting to stretch though. I have a feeling it is never going to "pop." I think its just going to stay in or be flat.
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good this week! I do want to invest in a body pillow though because I have been struggling to stay off my back while sleeping.
Food cravings and aversions: I have been craving chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk and pretzels with cheese. Still not feeling any type of seafood.
Symptoms: Nausea, back pain, dizziness and exhaustion, same as last week. Just not as severe. It has been very mild.
Labor signs: too early
Movement: My Allison has been moving quite a bit!
What I miss: being able to wear my engagement ring.
What I am loving: feeling my ally kick!
What I am looking forward to: Registering for my baby shower!
Best moment of the week: I got to spend some time with my fiancé.
News: This week it was very hot so my fingers started to swell up. I got scared that I would get my engagement ring stuck on my finger so I decided to wear it on my pinky instead. Long story short, it stayed put all day. I constantly checked to make sure it was still there. Unfortunately though when we went to eat dinner at olive garden I checked my hand and my ring was not there anymore! I worriedly asked my fiancé for the keys to his truck and hurried outside. I kept looking at the ground to see if maybe I would come across. I get to the car and have not found it. I open the car get in and start looking all around. Shortly after, my fiancé comes out concerned and asks whats wrong. I tell him that I have lost my ring. He is not worried because we have insurance on it but he sees that I am distressed and practically in tears. He got out his flash light and started to look in his truck. Then when he couldn't find it, he instructed me to call apple because that was were we last were. When I finally got ahold of someone at the store, I told them what happened and he went to see if anyone had turned anything in. Unfortunately he did not find anything so I left my name and number with him. As soon as I looked down, to my surprise I see my ring next to the truck on the ground! I was so excited!! Even though we had insurance on my ring, it still would not be the same ring he proposed to me with. The ring hold too much meaning for me to loose it. Therefore I'm either going to get it sized up a half size, get a chain to wear it as a necklace, or not wear it all. The third is definitely my least favorite!
Goals: Get prepared for school, I start on wednesday!
Due date: December 12, 2013
How far along: 24 weeks
Next appointment: September 17th! I might have to reschedule when I finally get my schedule for school. At this appointment I will be tested for gestational diabetes. I really hope everything will be okay!
Total weight gain: 10 pounds as of my doctors appointment on August 20. I have been checking my weight at home but it fluctuates so much that I am just going to stick to what the doctor says.
Gender: girl
Exercise: Not really anything exercising this week. I do try and make sure I am not sitting down for too long because then it causes very bad back pain.
Stretch marks: None so far, I really need to invest in some stuff to prevent stretch marks. I really don't want any!
Swelling: My fingers have been swelling up from the heat.
Maternity clothes: Yes. My order from Old Navy came in on tuesday! I got a pair of black patterned shorts, a black v-neck, a navy blouse, and a red blouse. I absolutely adore my shorts. I am definitely going to wear them a lot before it gets too cold to wear them! I'm not too thrilled on my red blouse though. It seems impossible big. I can't imagine getting big enough to ever fill it up. I can't decide whether to return it, exchange it, or just keep it. I do like the other two tops though!
Belly button: Innie. It is starting to stretch though. I have a feeling it is never going to "pop." I think its just going to stay in or be flat.
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good this week! I do want to invest in a body pillow though because I have been struggling to stay off my back while sleeping.
Food cravings and aversions: I have been craving chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk and pretzels with cheese. Still not feeling any type of seafood.
Symptoms: Nausea, back pain, dizziness and exhaustion, same as last week. Just not as severe. It has been very mild.
Labor signs: too early
Movement: My Allison has been moving quite a bit!
What I miss: being able to wear my engagement ring.
What I am loving: feeling my ally kick!
What I am looking forward to: Registering for my baby shower!
Best moment of the week: I got to spend some time with my fiancé.
News: This week it was very hot so my fingers started to swell up. I got scared that I would get my engagement ring stuck on my finger so I decided to wear it on my pinky instead. Long story short, it stayed put all day. I constantly checked to make sure it was still there. Unfortunately though when we went to eat dinner at olive garden I checked my hand and my ring was not there anymore! I worriedly asked my fiancé for the keys to his truck and hurried outside. I kept looking at the ground to see if maybe I would come across. I get to the car and have not found it. I open the car get in and start looking all around. Shortly after, my fiancé comes out concerned and asks whats wrong. I tell him that I have lost my ring. He is not worried because we have insurance on it but he sees that I am distressed and practically in tears. He got out his flash light and started to look in his truck. Then when he couldn't find it, he instructed me to call apple because that was were we last were. When I finally got ahold of someone at the store, I told them what happened and he went to see if anyone had turned anything in. Unfortunately he did not find anything so I left my name and number with him. As soon as I looked down, to my surprise I see my ring next to the truck on the ground! I was so excited!! Even though we had insurance on my ring, it still would not be the same ring he proposed to me with. The ring hold too much meaning for me to loose it. Therefore I'm either going to get it sized up a half size, get a chain to wear it as a necklace, or not wear it all. The third is definitely my least favorite!
Goals: Get prepared for school, I start on wednesday!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
23 Weeks
This week, the baby the size of a: grapefruit
Due date: December 12, 2013
How far along: 23 weeks
Next appointment: August 20
Total weight gain: it's been fluctuating, but as of now 8 pounds.
Gender: girl
Exercise: walking
Stretch marks: none so far
Swelling: nope
Maternity clothes: yes! Ordered some new things from Old Navy. I can't wait for them to come in. :)
Belly button: innie
Sleep: I have had trouble falling asleep at night, but after that, I can sleep through the night.
Food cravings and aversions: I have been craving chocolate everything. Chocolate chip cookies, pudding, brownies, cake, etc. Still not feeling any type of seafood.
Symptoms: Nausea, back pain, dizziness and exhaustion
Labor signs: too early
Movement: Yes, normally in the morning when I wake up and before I go to bed. When I talk to her she responds with sweet little kicks. :)
What I miss: being able to walk up the stairs without being winded!
What I am loving: feeling my ally kick!
What I am looking forward to: Making Ally some bows.
Best moment of the week: Did some shopping this week.
News: Allison does not like the dentist. I had a teeth cleaning this week and she was constantly moving. As much as she didn't like it, I loved it because I got to feel her move.
Goals: write thank you cards
Weekly wisdom: stay hydrated not only for you, but for your baby.
Due date: December 12, 2013
How far along: 23 weeks
Next appointment: August 20
Total weight gain: it's been fluctuating, but as of now 8 pounds.
Gender: girl
Exercise: walking
Stretch marks: none so far
Swelling: nope
Maternity clothes: yes! Ordered some new things from Old Navy. I can't wait for them to come in. :)
Belly button: innie
Sleep: I have had trouble falling asleep at night, but after that, I can sleep through the night.
Food cravings and aversions: I have been craving chocolate everything. Chocolate chip cookies, pudding, brownies, cake, etc. Still not feeling any type of seafood.
Symptoms: Nausea, back pain, dizziness and exhaustion
Labor signs: too early
Movement: Yes, normally in the morning when I wake up and before I go to bed. When I talk to her she responds with sweet little kicks. :)
What I miss: being able to walk up the stairs without being winded!
What I am loving: feeling my ally kick!
What I am looking forward to: Making Ally some bows.
Best moment of the week: Did some shopping this week.
News: Allison does not like the dentist. I had a teeth cleaning this week and she was constantly moving. As much as she didn't like it, I loved it because I got to feel her move.
Goals: write thank you cards
Weekly wisdom: stay hydrated not only for you, but for your baby.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
22 Weeks
This week, the baby the size of a: papaya
Due date: December 12, 2013
How far along: 22 weeks
Next appointment: August 20
Total weight gain: it's been fluctuating, but as of now 8 pounds.
Gender: girl
Exercise: walking
Stretch marks: none so far
Swelling: nope
Maternity clothes: yes! I would love to go shopping for some new things!
Belly button: innie
Sleep: I haven't been able to stay asleep for a whole night.
Food cravings and aversions: I have been craving chocolate and apple sauce. Still not feeling anytime of seafood.
Symptoms: nausea
Labor signs: too early
Movement: Tons and I love every minute of it! :)
What I miss: not being able to wear my old clothes.
What I am loving: feeling my ally kick!
What I am looking forward to: Decorating Allison's nursery!
Best moment of the week: fiancé got a new job! This way he will be closer to home for Allison and I.
News: Allison does not like the dentist. I had a teeth cleaning this week and she was constantly moving. As much as she didn't like it, I loved it because I got to feel her move.
Goals: Get all my things ready for the fall semester of school.
Weekly wisdom: Don't sweat the small stuff.
Due date: December 12, 2013
How far along: 22 weeks
Next appointment: August 20
Total weight gain: it's been fluctuating, but as of now 8 pounds.
Gender: girl
Exercise: walking
Stretch marks: none so far
Swelling: nope
Maternity clothes: yes! I would love to go shopping for some new things!
Belly button: innie
Sleep: I haven't been able to stay asleep for a whole night.
Food cravings and aversions: I have been craving chocolate and apple sauce. Still not feeling anytime of seafood.
Symptoms: nausea
Labor signs: too early
Movement: Tons and I love every minute of it! :)
What I miss: not being able to wear my old clothes.
What I am loving: feeling my ally kick!
What I am looking forward to: Decorating Allison's nursery!
Best moment of the week: fiancé got a new job! This way he will be closer to home for Allison and I.
News: Allison does not like the dentist. I had a teeth cleaning this week and she was constantly moving. As much as she didn't like it, I loved it because I got to feel her move.
Goals: Get all my things ready for the fall semester of school.
Weekly wisdom: Don't sweat the small stuff.
Friday, August 2, 2013
21 Weeks
This week, the baby the size of a: carrot
Due date: December 12, 2013
How far along: 21 weeks and 2 days
Next appointment: August 20
Total weight gain: it's been fluctuating
Gender: girl
Exercise: walking
Stretch marks: none so far
Swelling: nope
Maternity clothes: yes!
Belly button: innie
Sleep: a few sleepless nights
Food cravings and aversions: I really have been waiting donuts and muffins. I still can't stand seafood.
Symptoms: nausea
Labor signs: too early
Movement: yes tons!
What I miss: not feeling sick all of the time
What I am loving: feeling my ally kick!
What I am looking forward to: having ally here.
Best moment of the week: had my gender reveal and house warming party
News: my little sister made captain of her junior high cheer team. She's getting so old!
Goals: get more active!
Weekly wisdom: Good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
Due date: December 12, 2013
How far along: 21 weeks and 2 days
Next appointment: August 20
Total weight gain: it's been fluctuating
Gender: girl
Exercise: walking
Stretch marks: none so far
Swelling: nope
Maternity clothes: yes!
Belly button: innie
Sleep: a few sleepless nights
Food cravings and aversions: I really have been waiting donuts and muffins. I still can't stand seafood.
Symptoms: nausea
Labor signs: too early
Movement: yes tons!
What I miss: not feeling sick all of the time
What I am loving: feeling my ally kick!
What I am looking forward to: having ally here.
Best moment of the week: had my gender reveal and house warming party
News: my little sister made captain of her junior high cheer team. She's getting so old!
Goals: get more active!
Weekly wisdom: Good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
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