- diapers
- night diapers
- wipes
- tylenol
- thermometer
- blankets
- baby carrier
- stroller
- gas drops
- nail clippers
- onesies
- outfits
- jacket
- pants
- shirts
- socks
- swimsuits
- hats
- sunscreen
- swim diapers
- beach towel
- sunglasses
Sleep Time
- pack and play
- sleepers
- books
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- monitor
Diaper Bag
- diapers
- wipes
- formula
- bottles
- toys
- bib
- spoons
- food
- burp cloth
- changing pad
- butt paste
- extra outfit
- nasal aspirator
- fuzzy blanket
- light blanket
- diaper bags
- formula divider
- high chair cover
Bath time
- bath tub
- towels
- wash cloths
- soap
- lotion
- brush
- bottles formula
- sterilizer
- drying rack
- water
- bottle brush
- bibs
- spoons
- bowls
- cereal
- food
- burp cloth
- boppy
- boppy cover
What other essentials can you think to add to the list?